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职位 人才
·Credit Controller
·SP Sales Assistant
·HR Officer
  企业简介 招聘职位 HR Officer  
 HR Officer
职位类型: 全职 薪金待遇: 面议
招聘部门: 不限 招聘人数: 2人
发布日期: 2011-01-17 截止日期: 2011-12-12
岗位类别: 人力资源类-人力资源经理/主管 工作地区: 浙江省内-杭州市外
学历要求: 以上 工作年限: 2-3年以上
年龄要求: 23-45岁 性别要求: 不限

 提示:注册并登陆后才能查看企业的联系方式请 [登录] 到会员中心,未注册请先 [注册].

1. Identify hiring requirements to ensure the requests are fit for organization and business development 2. Explore and optimize multi-channel recruitment resources (newspapers/website/headhunter/schools/labor market, etc.) for different levels of positions to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment activity 3. Provide full recruiting service, including sourcing and screening candidates, interviewing and assessing candidates, completing job folder and applicant flow log, and offer negotiation, etc 4. Ensure the selection, interview, new employment activities are coordinated and well arranged in a professional way and follow the company recruitment procedure 5. Ensure the employment procedure in compliance with state and local government requirement as well as company's HR policy and procedures 6. Be responsible for resignation management, such as exit interview, resignation analysis etc. so that feedback can be provided to management for improvement 7. Provide registration service to new employee 8. Establish and smooth recruitment procedures and selecting system, such as test and interview, to make recruitment process effective and efficient 9. Provide recruitment status, reports timely and effectively to HR Manager based on the comprehensive analysis 10. Manage o-chart and JD pool 11. Assist HRM in talent management, such as talent review, succession planning etc.


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阿克苏诺贝尔公司是一家大型的跨国企业,产品种类繁多。公司在世界各地设有分支机构。拥有大批高素质的优秀员工。阿克苏诺贝尔涂料(浙江嘉兴)有限公司目前拥有员工350余人,主要生产工业木器漆、塑料漆、金属漆和卷钢漆。 阿克苏诺贝尔是世界上最大的涂料公司之一,在全球涂料界居于领导地位。阿克苏诺贝尔涂料遍及世界各个角落: 1) 在陆上:阿克苏诺贝尔是世界级的汽车漆的制造商; 2) 在海上:阿克苏诺贝尔是船舶涂料的最大供应商之一; 3) 在空中:有三分之一的客运班机使用阿克苏诺贝尔的涂料; 4) 在室内:阿克苏诺贝尔装饰涂料比其他涂料更多地用于室内装饰; 5) 在室外:阿克苏诺贝尔建筑性涂料保护着许多世界级保护性文化建筑、桥梁、商业建筑和工业设备。 阿克苏诺贝尔涂料(嘉兴)有限公司位于浙江省嘉兴市嘉善经济开发区,请将中英文简历,期望薪水通过您的个人邮箱发至:hr@jsn.akzonobel.com 合作网站:下沙人才网(www.hzxsrc.com)

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